Hot Springs of America is the brainchild of a seasoned resort marketing expert who knows the value of the all-mighty associations, both for the individual resort and for the traveler looking for an adventure. Hot Springs of America is the singular source for geothermal wellness destinations across the U.S. Your ultimate hot springs soaking experience awaits. We were incredibly humbled to be selected for this project and know exactly why we were: the highly technical functionality of this aesthetically engaging website is one of our pride and joys! An association website like this requires incredible attention to detail, multi-functioning locator tools, and high impact search functionality and search engine optimization. All of these aspects serve the hot springs owners and soak-seeking adventurers alike.


  •   Website Design
  •   Hot Springs Map & Search
  •   Hot Springs Locator
  •   State Pages

Website Design

The design of this website matters almost as much as its functionality; our designer and team worked tirelessly to capture the essence of a hot spring onto a fully responsive website to fit the needs of those likely seeking the nearest hot spring. Each level of association membership and each state wherein commercial hot springs are located received special attention, as the look and feel of each are very important.

Hot Springs Locator

For the end-user to have a satisfying experience on the site, we knew that we needed to develop code that would allow someone to find their ideal hot spring adventure using our database of every commercial hot spring in America. To do this, we looked at the search likeliness of three main hot-spring-seeking-avatars that represented the three likely travelers: "The Wanderer" using their mobile phone, while on the road, "The Planner" using their desktop computer to layout their upcoming vacation, "The Amenities Seeker" using either laptop or mobile phone to find the hot spring that best fit their interests and needs. Based on these three avatars, we created the Hot Springs Locator Tool which allows users to search using current location, keywords or amenities, or by state.

State Pages

Each state, in our opinions, deserved it's own custom designed page because each state's hot springs are vastly different. Working with travel and tourism experts, we laid out individual state pages for every state in the U.S. that is home to a commercial hot spring. There were definitely some surprises (Indiana, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, to name a few) and were very excited to offer each one the space to really tell their geothermal story. The State pages give the user more information and the individual hot springs more ways to be discovered.

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